Stanley Brown is preparing to hike the American discovery trail for WWP and AFSP
Stanley Brown
Trail: American discovery trail Goal: 6800 Miles
Dates: Apr 30 2017 - Apr 30 2018
My name is stanley. Im 27 years old. I started hiking at my local conservation area's ten mile trail. Since then ive done through hikes on the ozark trail and the katy trails in missouri.
Seeing so manh of my friends and people ive known around ... more
My name is stanley. Im 27 years old. I started hiking at my local conservation area's ten mile trail. Since then ive done through hikes on the ozark trail and the katy trails in missouri.
Seeing so manh of my friends and people ive known around my home being deployed over seas, some making it back others not. I have decided to show my support to our soldiers and their families for dedicating this hike to wounded warrior project.
Ive been planning on hiking the american discovery trail which spans 15 different States. I was going to start in Columbia mo, and go west. Turn around in california and then turn back, but after colorado id take the northern route instead through Nebraska and iowa then in Illinois id merge back with the southern trail, go to deleware, turn around and hike back to missouri. Total length for the whole trail is just over 6800 miles less
Hey everyone. Due to some events that have happened around my home town im adding another cause to my hike. So in addition to hiking for the wwp im adding the suicide prevention fund. Thanks for your support
Home - Mile 0 - Mar 29th, 2017
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