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Make A Difference Now

Make A Difference Now - 501(c)3

Hikers: 0  

Sponsors: 0  

Pledged: $0.00  

Hiked: $0.00  

Donated: $0.00

Our Mission
To provide quality educational opportunities for vulnerable children so they may become leaders within their countries.

Because of our work, children who would otherwise be without support now have access to:

- education at the best local private schools in their regions, where they receive instruction in English but still learn their local languages
- accommodations at their schools and three meals a day
- leadership training, so that they will be equipped to build up their own communities
- private tutoring to ensure their academic success
- sports therapy programs, where they can develop life and leadership skills in tangible ways
- books, uniforms, and school supplies
Our work has extended from Tanzania into neighboring Zambia and into war-torn Syria. We desire to expand our work even further to reach the children who need us most in other locations. Even as we grow, our mission remains the same. By equipping Make A Difference Scholars with the resources they need without creating dependence, we work towards a world that no longer needs organisations like ours. The bigger a difference we make now, the sooner that will be. visit site