
Hikefor is up-and-running, but needs a rebuild: find out more

Hikers: 2  

Sponsors: 6  

Pledged: $242.00  

Hiked: $124.30  

Donated: $0.00

SERnina provides girl-centered programs to schools and educational organizations in Guatemala. These programs will provide the framework to allow girls to discover and develop their sense of identity, self-esteem, inner-strength and self respect, so they feel confident to make informed life choices and empowerd to reach their full potential. visit site

2016 hikers for SERnina


Tim Summers

Hiking 2200 miles for WI and SERnina
on the Appalachian Trail
Hiking 4 sponsors
$0.20 per mile
up to $440.00
1023 miles hiked
$204.60 hiked
$0.00 donated

Wild Turkey

Jared Stepp

Hiking 2200 miles for WFP and SERnina
on the Appalachian Trail
Hiking 2 sponsors
$0.02 per mile
up to $44.00
2200 miles hiked
$44.00 hiked
$0.00 donated